An attorney called me about one of his clients. Her brother was in a facility. When she visited, his condition appeared to have deteriorated. She thought her brother should be seen in the emergency room. Yet, neither the facility nor the hospital was willing to admit him. She needed guidance on how to advocate for him. Further questions revealed that her brother had recently been treated in hospital. I explained to the attorney that the hospital might have some misgivings because re-admits could affect their level of reimbursement. We were able to resolve the situation with a couple of telephone calls.
Sometimes consultations include other parties, other than the family or the senior. Senior Sidekicks realizes how important the right care at the right time makes in the senior’s quality of life. We work with you to help you advocate for proper care. Advocacy is all part of the Geriatric Process System (GPS). Just like the app on your phone, we can show you a pathway. Contact Senior Sidekicks.
Do you know someone in this situation? Blogs by Sara Lieber of Senior Sidekicks regarding reasons for consultations regarding senior care and advo
Senior Citizens, Consulting, Advocacy, Elder Care